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News and Announcement


Please ensure that your have cleared all outstanding before 30th June 2023.

Dear Graduates,

Congratulations! You have successfully completed your program of studies.

Kindly be informed, City University will be having a Convocation Ceremony and will be conducted at World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur (WTCKL). City University Convocation 2022 has been scheduled on Saturday, 8th July 2023.

On behalf of City University, we are pleased to invite you to celebrate your achievement and success. Only graduands will be invited to attend the ceremony City University Convocation 2022. Invitation letter will be sent and notified to your email.

The following are the details of the Convocation Ceremony:

8th July 2023 08.00AM To 05.00PM Merdeka Hall, World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur (WTCKL)
Please visit our convocation website or https://www.city.edu.my/ for the registration. You are also required to fill up the "Kajian Pengesanan Graduan (Tracer Study)" conducted by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) for the year 2022 via the website graduate.mohe.gov.my starting from 22nd April 2023 until 30th June 2023 .

We would to advise that you visit the City University Convocation 2022 website regularly for the latest updates on Convocation Ceremony. You may forward your inquiries via email convocation2022@city.edu.my for assistance or call us at 03-79491653.

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